onsdag den 27. april 2016

Day 156: Huh.


Guess I should take this win and not question it.

Day 155: Expecting Gain.

I will totally have gained weight when I step on the scales tomorrow. My diet this past week has been awful. :/

onsdag den 20. april 2016

Day 149: Weigh-In

Back at 174. Bah.

Still too much stress to cope with. Far too much.

torsdag den 14. april 2016

Day 142: Weigh-In

173.7. It's down, at least. Still not back to the lowest point, but getting there.

Still so much stress going on, though. So so much.

torsdag den 7. april 2016

Day 135: Stress.

I'm still at 174, and it's not water, I'm well aware. But I also simply do not have the energy left over to focus on weight right now. This next week or so will be insane. If I make it through without breaking down, I'll call it a win.