The magical "sometime next year" has arrived, and it's time to get back on the horse.
During the time of high stress I did gain some weight, but as of this morning the scale said 177.4, and that's frankly better than I thought.
My body feels aboslutely terrible, though, so I gotta get back to it. I'm constantly dealing with huge water retention, and I feel heavy and lethargic, despite probably getting more exercise than before.
I've started using an exercise app. Not for the exercise as much as just a reminder to get up and move around, because I do tend to be hugely sedentary in my life. So first step to feeling better would be to combat this.
The meals is where it's at, though, and while I've already cut down some, it's definitely not enough. But I wanted to start up very gently, since I'm only just barely over the stress-hump, and pushing myself too hard is a recipe for disaster.
So right now I'm back to eating six smaller meals a day, though this time "smaller" is kind of a loose term. Smaller really just means "cut in half where possible, and don't feel too bad if it doesn't happen".
Baby steps.
Back on the horse!