Stomach pains have so far today been almost entirely absent. It could be just time, but it could also have something to do with two small changes.
First of all, I am now allowing myself to drink milk (or sugar free chocolate milk) and not count it as a meal. It won't be a huge change, because I don't drink much milk, usually, but I've had one full glass every day for the past three days, and it's helped with the mid-day pangs.
Secondly, I've tried to adjust meals a little more loosely, and times when I've been very hungry I've allowed myself a little more. Hopefully this means I'm more in tune with my body, and isn't a sign that I'm slipping. Only time will tell, I guess.
Craving for potato chips is HUGE today, though. HUGE. Must show restraint.
That is so awesome! Well done \o/
SvarSletProud of you *hugs*
Thank you so much! :D Now to make it habit...