tirsdag den 8. december 2015

Day 20.

Yeah, doing numbers for the days, now.

Still sick.

Had a sugary snack that would normally have lasted me a few hours but now took me over a day to slowly munch my way through. That's definitely progress.

I'm still absurdly hungry all the time right now, but even so I think I need to remind myself of how far I've already come. My stomach now gives me very clear stop signs when it's full, and it takes less than a third of what I used to consider a single serving to get there. And that's not counting the seconds I always had, too.

So if I can just make it habit to actually listen to what my stomach is saying, I should stand a better chance of keeping the weight down in the future once I get it to a healthier point.

Still haven't decided when I'm gonna go on the scale. No convenient point has revealed itself. Eh. I'll get to it.


Went on the scales. Have nothing to report, since I got an error message again. So I can't say if it's because I've gained back what little weight I lost, or if my scale is just broken. I mostly suspect I've gotten the weight back, though, because it did show me a brief weight inidication while I supported myself on something for balance. So yeah. Probably gained it all back somehow.

So I guess as soon as I'm done being sick it's back on the horse, and probably cutting the meals down further. As long as I can't manage the exercise, it's gonna have to come from the food. -sigh-


I just remembered another thing I wanted to add. It could be my imagination, but my skin feels looser. Like the volume of my body is the same, but softer? Like the fat isn't pushing at my skin so hard. I read something similar from another weight-loss blogger, so I'm hoping that's also a good sign.

Also, water retention is a thing, and I should also probably not weigh myself in the evening when a) all the food of the day is still in my system and b) water retention is worst.

So yeah. No point in being too fatalistic. I'm doing okay.

2 kommentarer:

  1. That's enormous progress and so quickly too!

    I wouldn't worry too much about having gained it back, though. It's the learning of new habits that are important here. The weight loss I'm certain will come in time. If you want to make your meals smaller still, probably best to do it gradually anyway.

    1. Yeah, and it could also just be water retention, since I seem very prone to that kind of thing. But that does remind me of something else I need to add!
